Wireless Estimator – Accurate Cost Calculator

This wireless estimator tool helps you accurately determine the wireless signal coverage for your specific area.

Wireless Estimator

This tool helps you estimate the coverage quality of a wireless link based on several key parameters. Ensure all input fields are accurately filled to get the best results.

How to Use

  1. Enter the frequency in MHz.
  2. Enter the distance between the transmitter and receiver in kilometers.
  3. Enter the transmit power in dBm.
  4. Enter the antenna gain for both the transmitter and receiver in dBi.
  5. Enter the cable loss in dB.
  6. Enter the receiver sensitivity in dBm.
  7. Click “Calculate” to see the result.

How it Calculates

The estimator uses the following formula to calculate coverage quality:

  • Path Loss (dB) = 20 * log(distance in meters) + 20 * log(frequency in MHz) + 32.44
  • Link Budget (dB) = Transmit Power + Antenna Gain (Tx) – Cable Loss + Antenna Gain (Rx) – Path Loss

If the link budget is greater than or equal to the receiver sensitivity, the coverage is considered “Good”. Otherwise, it is considered “Poor”.


This estimator is based on free-space path loss and does not account for obstacles, terrain, or other environmental factors which might affect real-world performance.

Use Cases for This Calculator

Calculating Signal Range

Enter the transmitter power, receiver sensitivity, and frequency to determine the maximum wireless signal range possible. This helps you ensure reliable communication within your desired coverage area.

Estimating Link Budget

Input various parameters like cable loss, antenna gain, and atmospheric losses to calculate the link budget. This crucial metric assists in understanding the total system gain or loss in a wireless communication link.

Antenna Downtilt Calculation

Specify the antenna height and horizontal distance to calculate the required downtilt angle for optimal signal coverage. This feature helps you adjust antenna settings for better signal propagation.

Interference Analysis

Provide details about neighboring transmitters and their frequencies to analyze potential interference issues. This analysis aids in minimizing signal disruptions and optimizing network performance.

RF Path Analysis

Enter geographical coordinates and antenna heights to analyze the radio frequency path between transmitter and receiver. This feature helps you understand potential obstacles and plan effective signal paths.

Fade Margin Calculation

Input factors like shadowing margin and receiver sensitivity to calculate the appropriate fade margin. This value ensures that the signal remains above the minimum required level, even under adverse conditions.

Channel Capacity Estimation

Enter the channel bandwidth and signal-to-noise ratio to estimate the maximum achievable data rate. This estimation helps in designing networks that can support the required traffic volume efficiently.

Frequency Reuse Calculation

Input the channel bandwidth and frequency reuse factor to calculate the number of channels that can be reused. This calculation aids in optimizing spectrum utilization and minimizing interference.

Link Availability Prediction

Provide details like weather conditions and equipment reliability to predict link availability percentage. This prediction helps in planning for potential downtime and ensuring continuous communication services.

Latency Calculation

Enter the transmission distance and signal propagation speed to estimate the latency in wireless communication. This calculation helps in determining the time delay involved in transmitting data over the wireless link.
