MCD Estimator – Accurate Online Calculator

This tool estimates the minimum covariance determinant (MCD) for your dataset to identify outliers and robustly analyze your data.

How to Use the Calculator

To use this calculator, input the following details:

  • Total Deposits ($): The initial amount of money deposited.
  • Annual Interest Rate (%): The interest rate applied per year.
  • Time (Years): The number of years the money is to be invested or saved.
  • Compounding Frequency: Choose the frequency with which interest is compounded (Annually, Semi-Annually, Quarterly, Monthly, Daily).

Click the “Calculate” button to find out the maturity value of your investment.

How the Calculator Works

The calculator uses the following formula to estimate the maturity value:

Maturity Value (M) = P(1 + r/n)^(nt)

  • P: Principal amount (initial deposit)
  • r: Annual interest rate (as a decimal)
  • n: Number of times interest is compounded per year
  • t: Number of years


While this calculator aims to provide accurate results, it has certain limitations:

  • It assumes a fixed interest rate over the entire investment period.
  • It does not account for additional deposits or withdrawals made during the investment period.
  • Results are estimates and actual values can vary based on real-world factors.

Use Cases for This Calculator

Estimating Calories Burned During Activities

Calculate the number of calories you can burn during various physical activities such as running, cycling, or swimming based on your weight and the duration of the activity. Get an accurate estimate to help you plan your fitness routine effectively.

Measuring Daily Caloric Intake

Determine the number of calories you should consume daily to maintain, gain, or lose weight based on your age, gender, height, weight, and activity level. Stay on track with your nutrition goals effortlessly.

Tracking Weight Loss Progress

Monitor your weight loss journey by regularly using the calculator to track your daily or weekly caloric deficit. Visualize your progress and stay motivated to achieve your target weight.

Planning Exercise Routines

Create customized exercise plans by estimating the calories burned for different workouts. Optimize your fitness regimen by balancing various activities to reach your desired fitness level.

Setting Fitness Goals

Easily set realistic fitness goals by calculating the number of calories you need to burn to achieve your desired weight or fitness level. Stay focused and motivated with a clear roadmap to success.

Optimizing Nutritional Needs

Understand your unique nutritional requirements by calculating your daily caloric needs. Ensure you’re fueling your body with the right amount of energy to support your overall health and well-being.

Planning Cheat Meals

Indulge in your favorite treats without guilt by using the calculator to estimate the extra calories burned during a cheat meal. Stay mindful of your overall caloric intake while enjoying occasional treats.

Measuring Intensity of Workouts

Determine the intensity of your workouts by estimating the calories burned during different types of physical activities. Adjust your exercise intensity based on your fitness goals and preferences.

Comparing Different Activities

Compare the caloric expenditure of various activities to choose the most effective workout for your fitness routine. Make informed decisions on how to maximize your calorie burn during exercise.

Enhancing Overall Fitness Awareness

Gain a better understanding of the relationship between calories burned and physical activities to enhance your overall fitness awareness. Make informed decisions that support your health and well-being goals.
