HSE Estimator – Accurate Cost Calculator

This tool helps you estimate the cost of purchasing a house.

How to Use This Calculator

This Health and Safety Estimator (HSE) calculator helps you estimate your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE) based on several parameters including age, weight, height, gender, and activity level.


  1. Enter your age in years.
  2. Enter your weight in kilograms.
  3. Enter your height in centimeters.
  4. Select your activity level from the dropdown menu.
  5. Select your gender.
  6. Press the “Calculate” button.

The result will show your estimated TDEE in calories per day.

How It Calculates the Results

The calculation is based on the Mifflin-St Jeor Equation for Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR), which is then multiplied by your selected activity level to estimate your TDEE.

Formulas used:

  • For males: BMR = 88.362 + (13.397 x weight) + (4.799 x height) – (5.677 x age)
  • For females: BMR = 447.593 + (9.247 x weight) + (3.098 x height) – (4.330 x age)

The TDEE is then calculated by multiplying the BMR by the activity level factor you selected.


This estimator provides an approximation based on average values; individual caloric needs may vary. Consult a healthcare professional for personalized advice.

Use Cases for This Calculator

Use Case 1: Estimating Monthly Home Energy Costs

Calculate and estimate the average monthly energy costs for your home by inputting the usage of your major appliances and electronics. This helps you plan your budget better and identify areas where you can cut down on energy consumption.

Use Case 2: Comparing Energy Usage Between Seasons

Compare your estimated energy costs between different seasons to understand how your energy usage fluctuates. This insight can assist you in adjusting your consumption habits and optimizing energy efficiency based on seasonal patterns.

Use Case 3: Assessing Energy Efficiency Upgrades

Evaluate the potential savings from energy efficiency upgrades such as switching to LED bulbs or installing programmable thermostats. By inputting the current and proposed energy usage, you can determine the cost-effectiveness of these upgrades over time.

Use Case 4: Estimating Carbon Footprint

Determine the estimated carbon footprint of your household based on energy consumption data. This allows you to understand your environmental impact and explore ways to reduce carbon emissions through energy-saving initiatives.

Use Case 5: Planning for Solar Panel Installation

Estimate the energy generation potential and cost savings of installing solar panels on your property. By inputting details like roof size and average sunlight hours, you can gauge the feasibility of solar energy as a renewable power source for your home.

Use Case 6: Budgeting for Home Renovations

Include estimated energy costs in your overall budget for home renovations or remodeling projects. By factoring in potential energy savings through efficient appliances or insulation upgrades, you can make informed decisions that align with your financial goals.

Use Case 7: Tracking Energy Use Trends

Monitor and track your energy consumption trends over time to identify any significant changes or abnormalities. This data can help you spot inefficiencies or malfunctions in your household systems, allowing for timely maintenance and cost-saving measures.

Use Case 8: Estimating Standby Power Consumption

Calculate the standby power consumption of your devices that are left plugged in but not in use. Understanding this hidden energy usage can prompt you to unplug devices when not needed, reducing unnecessary electricity wastage and lowering your bills.

Use Case 9: Adjusting Energy Usage for Vacations

Input your vacation dates to estimate the reduced energy consumption during your absence. This feature helps you plan for energy-saving measures like adjusting thermostats and unplugging devices to avoid unnecessary energy expenditure while you are away.

Use Case 10: Analyzing Energy Use by Room

Break down your energy costs by room to identify areas of high consumption and prioritize energy-saving strategies accordingly. This detailed analysis allows you to focus on optimizing energy efficiency in specific areas of your home for maximum cost savings.
