CPF Estimator – Calculate Your Future CPF

This tool helps you estimate your CPF contributions easily based on your income and age.

CPF Estimator

This calculator helps you estimate your yearly Central Provident Fund (CPF) contributions based on your monthly salary, age, contribution rates, and annual bonuses.

How to Use

  1. Enter your monthly salary in the respective field.
  2. Enter your age in the respective field.
  3. Enter the employee CPF contribution rate in percentage.
  4. Enter the employer CPF contribution rate in percentage.
  5. Optionally, enter any annual bonuses you receive.
  6. Click on the “Calculate” button to see your estimated yearly CPF contributions.

How It Calculates

The CPF Estimator calculates your contributions based on the following formula:

  • Total Annual Salary: Monthly Salary * 12 + Annual Bonuses
  • Employee Contribution: Total Annual Salary * Employee Contribution Rate (%)
  • Employer Contribution: Total Annual Salary * Employer Contribution Rate (%)
  • Total CPF Contribution: Employee Contribution + Employer Contribution


This calculator is for estimation purposes only and the actual contributions may vary. It doesn’t take into account any caps or changes in CPF contribution rates due to policy changes. Please consult with the CPF Board or your employer for exact contributions.

Use Cases for This Calculator

Estimate CPF Contribution

Calculate your CPF contribution using your monthly wages to get an estimate of the total amount that will be contributed.

Estimate Employer’s CPF Contribution

Input your monthly salary to determine how much your employer contributes to your CPF account every month.

Estimate Employee’s CPF Contribution

Find out the exact amount you contribute to your CPF account every month based on your monthly wages.

Estimate CPF Allocation

Input your monthly salary to see the breakdown of how much of it goes into your Ordinary, Special, and Medisave CPF accounts.

Estimate CPF Interest Earned

Calculate the estimated interest earned on your CPF contributions over a specific period to plan for your future financial growth.

Estimate Total CPF Balance

Input your current CPF balance and the estimated interest rate to project your total CPF balance over a chosen period.

Estimate CPF Withdrawal Amount

Input your age and CPF balance to estimate the amount you can withdraw from your CPF account at retirement age.

Estimate CPF Housing Usage Limit

Calculate the maximum amount you can use from your CPF to pay for your HDB flat based on the valuation limit and CPF usage limit.

Estimate CPF Life Monthly Payout

Input your age and CPF balance to get an estimate of the monthly payout you may receive from CPF Life starting at a specific age.

Estimate CPF Relief Eligibility

Input your annual income and contributions to various CPF accounts to check if you are eligible for any CPF reliefs based on the criteria provided.
