CP Estimator – Efficient Cost Prediction

This tool will help you estimate the critical path duration for your project based on task dependencies and durations.

How to Use the CP Estimator

This calculator is used to estimate the Combat Power (CP) of your Pokémon. To use this calculator, input the following parameters:

  • Pokemon Level: The level of your Pokémon (from 1 to 40).
  • Base Attack: The base attack value of the Pokémon species.
  • Individual Attack (IV): The individual attack value of your specific Pokémon (from 0 to 15).
  • Base Defense: The base defense value of the Pokémon species.
  • Individual Defense (IV): The individual defense value of your specific Pokémon (from 0 to 15).
  • Base Stamina: The base stamina value of the Pokémon species.
  • Individual Stamina (IV): The individual stamina value of your specific Pokémon (from 0 to 15).

How the Calculator Works

The CP calculator takes into account several factors:

  • The Pokémon’s base stats (attack, defense, and stamina).
  • The Pokémon’s individual values (IVs) for attack, defense, and stamina.
  • The Pokémon’s level.

These values are used in a formula to estimate the Pokémon’s CP:

CP = (Base Attack + Individual Attack) * (Base Defense + Individual Defense)^0.5 * (Base Stamina + Individual Stamina)^0.5 * (CP Multiplier)^2 / 10


While this calculator aims to be as accurate as possible, it has some limitations:

  • The CP Multiplier is rounded and may not account for minor changes that can occur in the game.
  • Individual Values (IVs) are guessed values and may vary slightly.
  • CP values may slightly differ due to specific game mechanics and rounding.

Use Cases for This Calculator

CP Estimator

CP Estimator

Use Case 1: Calculate CP Based on Attack and Defense IVs

Enter the Attack and Defense IVs of your Pokemon to estimate its Combat Power (CP).

Use Case 2: Determine Max CP Potential

Input the species, level, and individual values to find the maximum potential CP of your Pokemon.

Use Case 3: Compare CP of Multiple Pokemon

Compare the CP of different Pokemon by entering their species, levels, and IVs for each.

Use Case 4: Calculate CP Boost from Evolution

Estimate the CP boost after evolving your Pokemon by providing its current CP and the evolution parameters.

Use Case 5: Estimate CP Multiplier for Powering Up

Get the CP multiplier required to power up your Pokemon to a desired CP by entering its current and target CP.

Use Case 6: Check IVs for a Given CP

Provide the CP of your Pokemon to check the possible range of Attack and Defense IVs it might have.

Use Case 7: Determine Best Moveset for Max CP

Input the species, level, and IVs of your Pokemon to discover the best moveset to maximize its CP potential.

Use Case 8: Estimate CP Decay Over Time

Predict the CP decay of your Pokemon over a specific duration by entering its initial CP and decay rate.

Use Case 9: Calculate CP After Weather Boost

Find out the potential CP of your Pokemon with a weather boost by specifying the base level CP and weather condition.

Use Case 10: Estimate CP Gain from Powering Up

Predict the CP increase after powering up your Pokemon multiple times by inputting its initial CP and the number of power-ups.
