VTE Estimator – Accurate Risk Calculation

This tool helps you estimate your risk of venous thromboembolism based on personal health information.

VTE Risk Estimator

This calculator estimates the risk of Venous Thromboembolism (VTE) based on various parameters.

How to Use:

  • Enter the patient’s age, weight, and height.
  • Select the appropriate options for recent surgery, active cancer, reduced mobility, estrogen therapy, and history of VTE.
  • Click the “Calculate” button to get the estimated risk.


The VTE Risk Estimator uses clinical data points to calculate the likelihood of VTE occurrence. Factors include age, weight, height, recent surgery, active cancer, reduced mobility, estrogen therapy, and history of VTE.


This calculator provides an estimate and should not replace medical advice. Always consult a healthcare professional for a comprehensive assessment.

Use Cases for This Calculator

Use Case 1: Estimating VTE Risk for a Postoperative Patient

Enter the patient’s age, surgery type, and other risk factors to calculate the likelihood of venous thromboembolism (VTE) development post-surgery. This allows you to tailor prophylactic measures accordingly for better patient outcomes.

Use Case 2: Assessing VTE Risk in Pregnancy

Input the pregnant patient’s age, gestational age, medical history, and current conditions to determine the risk of VTE during pregnancy. This helps in proactive monitoring and preventive strategies for a healthy pregnancy.

Use Case 3: Predicting VTE Risk in Long-Haul Flights

Specify the traveler’s age, flight duration, any existing medical conditions, and mobility during the flight to evaluate the likelihood of VTE occurrence during long-haul journeys. It guides passengers on preventive measures like exercises and hydration.

Use Case 4: Estimating VTE Risk in Cancer Patients

Provide details on the cancer type, treatment methods, stage, and patient’s overall health status to calculate the risk of VTE in cancer patients. This aids in personalized care plans and early detection of any potential clotting risks.

Use Case 5: Determining VTE Risk in Sedentary Individuals

Enter information on the individual’s age, daily sitting duration, and any underlying health conditions to estimate the risk of VTE due to prolonged sedentary behavior. This promotes awareness of the importance of regular movement and breaks during long sitting periods.

Use Case 6: Assessing VTE Risk in Patients with Genetic Factors

Input genetic predispositions, family history of clotting disorders, and personal health data to evaluate the genetic risk of VTE development. This aids in identifying individuals who may benefit from genetic counseling and proactive measures.

Use Case 7: Predicting VTE Risk following Trauma or Injury

Specify the nature of the trauma, extent of injury, and patient’s age to predict the probability of VTE occurrence post-injury. This assists healthcare providers in implementing timely thromboprophylaxis to prevent complications.

Use Case 8: Estimating VTE Risk in Patients with Multiple Comorbidities

Enter data on various comorbid conditions, medications taken, and lifestyle factors to assess the cumulative risk of VTE in patients with complex health profiles. This aids in multidisciplinary care planning and risk mitigation strategies.

Use Case 9: Predicting Recurrent VTE Risk in Previously Affected Individuals

Input the patient’s previous VTE history, treatment received, and current health status to estimate the likelihood of recurrent VTE episodes. This assists in long-term management plans and ongoing monitoring for high-risk individuals.

Use Case 10: Determining VTE Risk in Elderly Populations

Specify the age, mobility levels, existing medical conditions, and medication use in elderly individuals to calculate the risk of VTE in this age group. This helps in geriatric care planning and implementing targeted interventions to reduce VTE risks in older adults.
