LSDV Estimator – Accurate Measurements & Predictions

This tool allows you to accurately estimate the Least Squares Dummy Variable (LSDV) model coefficients for your data analysis needs.

LSDV Estimator Calculator

This calculator estimates the Least Squares Dummy Variable (LSDV) model coefficient.

How to Use

Fill in the number of observations (n), the number of groups (G), and provide the respective lists for dependent variable values (Y values), independent variable values (X values), and group indices (comma-separated).

Click “Calculate” to get the estimated LSDV coefficient.

How It Works

The calculator computes the group means of the dependent variable, then de-mean the variables. After demeaning, it performs a regression of the demeaned dependent variable on the demeaned independent variable to compute the LSDV coefficient estimate.


This calculator assumes that inputs are correctly formatted and that the length of all input arrays matches the number of observations. Outliers may affect the accuracy of the estimate. Ensure the group indices are properly numbered and consistent.

Use Cases for This Calculator

Estimating Least Squares Dummy Variable (LSDV) Model

Calculate the LSDV estimator for your regression model to account for categorical variables with multiple levels, ensuring accurate coefficients are derived to explain relationships between variables.

Inputting Dependent Variable Data

Enter the dependent variable data into the calculator to establish the relationship between the dependent variable and the independent variables, which is essential for predicting outcomes accurately.

Entering Independent Variable Data

Insert the independent variable values to analyze their impact on the dependent variable, helping you understand the influence of each variable on the regression model’s outcome.

Adding Dummy Variables

Include dummy variables representing categorical data in your model to avoid biased estimations that could distort the relationships between variables, thus ensuring reliable results.

Computing LSDV Coefficients

Calculate the LSDV coefficients to quantify the effect of each independent variable on the dependent variable, facilitating a comprehensive analysis of the regression model.

Interpreting Regression Results

Interpret the regression results generated by the LSDV estimator to understand the significance of the independent variables in explaining the variations in the dependent variable, aiding in making informed decisions based on the data.

Checking Model Fit

Evaluate the fitness of your LSDV model by examining the goodness-of-fit measures to determine how well the model fits the observed data points, validating the reliability of your regression analysis.

Assessing Variable Significance

Assess the significance of each variable in the LSDV model through p-values to identify which variables have a substantial impact on the dependent variable, guiding you in focusing on the most influential factors.

Identifying Outliers

Detect any outliers in your regression analysis by examining the residuals to ensure that influential data points are not skewing the results, maintaining the integrity of the LSDV model.

Visualizing Regression Trends

Visualize the regression trends using plots based on LSDV estimations to gain a clear insight into the relationships between variables, aiding in presenting and communicating the results effectively.
