GLS Estimator – Accurate Calculator Tool

This tool estimates the generalized least squares (GLS) coefficients for your data, providing more accurate regression results.

Generalized Least Squares Estimator Calculator

This GLS Estimator Calculator computes the mean and variance for the provided beta coefficients, x variables, and variance. Follow these steps to use the calculator:

  1. Input the estimated beta coefficients (Beta0, Beta1).
  2. Provide the values for the predictor variables (X1, X2, X3).
  3. Enter the variance (σ²).
  4. Click on the “Calculate” button to see the result.


The formula implemented in this calculator is:

  • Mean = β0 + β1 * X1
  • Variance = σ²

By providing the values of β0, β1, X1, X2, X3, and σ², the calculator returns the mean and variance. Note that for simplicity, this tool computes the mean using only β0 and β1 with X1.


This calculator only uses the β0 and β1 coefficients with the X1 variable to compute the mean. It does not consider higher-order terms or other possible relationships between the data points. The calculator also assumes constant variance (homoskedasticity).

Use Cases for This Calculator

Calculating GLS Estimator for Simple Linear Regression

Go beyond OLS and account for heteroscedasticity in your data by using the GLS estimator. Specify the variance-covariance structure and apply weights to each observation for a more accurate regression analysis.

Dealing with Time Series Data

If you are working with time series data showing changing volatility over time, GLS can offer better estimates by incorporating autocorrelation structures into your model. Use GLS to account for the potential correlation between observations at different time intervals.

Handling Panel Data

When dealing with panel datasets with varying levels of heteroscedasticity and correlation across individuals and time periods, GLS can provide more efficient estimates by adjusting for these differences. Implement GLS to account for both within-group and cross-panel dependencies in your regression model.

Managing Spatial Data

For spatial data analysis where observations may exhibit spatial autocorrelation in their error terms, GLS can be used to model these dependencies and obtain more reliable parameter estimates. Incorporate spatial weights into your GLS model to address spatial heterogeneity in your data.

Addressing Endogeneity Issues

In cases where endogeneity is a concern, GLS can be employed to correct for measurement error and simultaneity biases by specifying appropriate error structures and instrumental variables. Use GLS to account for correlated errors and obtain consistent estimates in the presence of endogeneity.

Handling Missing Data

When your dataset contains missing values that may not be missing completely at random, GLS offers a principled approach to handle missing data through likelihood-based estimation. Apply GLS to incorporate available information and obtain unbiased estimates in the presence of missing data.

Modeling Non-Constant Error Variances

If your data exhibits non-constant error variances across different levels of the independent variable, employ GLS to model these heteroscedastic patterns by specifying the appropriate weighting scheme. Use GLS to account for varying levels of uncertainty in your data and obtain more reliable coefficient estimates.

Comparing GLS with OLS and WLS

Compare the efficiency of GLS with OLS and WLS methods by examining the error structures and assumptions underlying each estimator. Choose GLS when dealing with violations of OLS assumptions and the need for more efficient estimates based on the data properties.

Estimating Generalized Least Squares Models

Extend the GLS framework to include correlated errors and non-spherical error structures by estimating generalized least squares models. Incorporate additional complexity in your model to capture more nuanced relationships and dependencies within your data.

Checking Assumptions and Model Robustness

Use GLS to check the assumptions of linearity, normality, and homoscedasticity in your regression model while also evaluating the robustness of your results to potential violations. Apply GLS to assess the sensitivity of your estimates to deviations from classical regression assumptions.
