CTB Estimator – Accurate Cost Calculator

Our CTB Estimator Tool helps you quickly estimate the cost to build your project.

How to Use the CTB Estimator

To use this calculator, fill in all the required fields with the relevant financial data:

  1. Total Cost: The total project cost or base cost without any additional factors.
  2. Margin Percentage: The profit margin you aim to achieve, represented as a percentage.
  3. CTB Rate: The percentage rate for conversion to billable rate.
  4. Overhead Costs: The fixed costs associated with the project (e.g., rent, utilities).
  5. Variable Costs: The variable costs tied to the project (e.g., raw materials).

Click the “Calculate” button to find out the comprehensive total with all parameters considered.

How the Calculation Works

The calculator adds together each parameter to give an accurate total cost:

  1. Adds overhead costs to the total cost.
  2. Adds variable costs to get an intermediate sum.
  3. Calculates the profit using the margin percentage.
  4. Calculates the conversion to billable (CTB) cost using the rate percentage.
  5. Sums the profit and CTB costs to provide the final result.


This calculator makes several assumptions:

  • All costs are expressed in the same currency and no currency conversions are required.
  • Assumes linear relationships between costs and rates.
  • Does not factor in psychosocial or market-driven factors that could impact cost.

Ensure you review and verify all input data for precision in calculations.

Use Cases for This Calculator

Calculate Area for CTB Estimation

Enter the length and width of the area to calculate the total square footage for estimating the required amount of CTB. This helps you plan the quantity of materials needed accurately.

Estimate Depth of CTB

Specify the type of project (e.g., road construction, foundation) and the required thickness for the CTB layer for an informed estimate. This ensures that the CTB serves its intended purpose effectively.

Calculate Volume for CTB Mix

Input the total volume needed for the CTB mix, considering any voids, and get precise calculations to prepare the right amount of materials. This helps in preventing shortages or excess material wastage.

Determine Aggregate Quantity

Provide details on the aggregate size and specific gravity to determine the required quantity of aggregate in the CTB mix accurately. This ensures the proper composition and strength of the CTB.

Assess Binder Amount

Input the percentage of binder required for the CTB mix to calculate the exact amount needed for optimal binding. This ensures the structural integrity and longevity of the construction.

Calculate Water Content

Specify the water-cement ratio or water content percentage to determine the precise amount of water needed for the CTB mix. This influences the workability and final strength of the CTB.

Optimize Cement Quantity

Adjust the cement content based on the project requirements and desired strength to optimize the CTB mix. This helps in achieving the desired performance while minimizing costs.

Estimate Compaction Factor

Input the properties of the soil and CTB mix to estimate the compaction factor required during construction. This ensures proper compaction for stability and durability.

Calculate Cost for CTB Project

Enter the unit costs of materials and labor to calculate the total cost estimate for your CTB project. This helps in budgeting and cost planning for the construction project.

Generate Summary Report

Review a detailed summary report with all the calculated values and estimates for your CTB project. This provides a comprehensive overview to guide your construction planning and execution.
