Cosmos DB Estimator – Optimize Your Database Costs

This tool helps you estimate the cost and performance requirements for using Cosmos DB in your applications.

How to Use the Cosmos DB Estimator

This Cosmos DB estimator helps you understand the monthly cost of your Cosmos DB usage. Fill in all the fields with the relevant information:

  • Provisioned Throughput (RU/s): The amount of throughput you expect to use.
  • Consistency Level: The level of consistency you require from the database.
  • Number of Regions: How many geographic regions your data will be replicated to.
  • Data Size (GB): The amount of data you will store, in gigabytes.
  • Records per Second: How many records you expect to be processed per second.
  • Bandwidth (MB/s): The bandwidth required for data transfer.

Once you fill in these fields, click “Calculate” to see the estimated monthly cost.

Explanation of the Calculation

The monthly cost is estimated based on several factors:

  • Provisioned Throughput: More throughput increases the cost.
  • Consistency Level: Strong consistency requires more resources and is more expensive.
  • Number of Regions: More regions for replication increase the cost.
  • Data Size: More stored data incurs higher costs.
  • Records per Second: Processing more records adds to the cost.
  • Bandwidth: Higher bandwidth for data transfer increases the cost.


This estimator provides an approximate cost and may not reflect the exact billing. The actual cost might differ based on additional factors such as specific configurations, precise workloads, and Azure pricing changes.

Use Cases for This Calculator

Estimating Request Units for a Single API Operation

Calculate the exact number of Request Units required for a single API operation by specifying the specific operation type, payload size, and consistency level. This will help you accurately estimate the RU charge for the operation in your Cosmos DB database.

Estimating Monthly Cost Based on Expected Monthly Operations

Provide the average number of operations you expect to perform each month, along with the operation type and expected payload size. The estimator will give you an estimation of the total Request Units and associated cost for your planned monthly usage.

Comparing Request Units Between Different Cosmos DB APIs

Input the details of an operation in different Cosmos DB APIs to compare the required Request Units for each API. This will give you insights into the performance and cost implications of using different APIs for your database operations.

Estimating Storage Size and Cost for Your Data

By specifying the amount and type of data you plan to store in Cosmos DB, you can estimate the required storage size and associated monthly cost. This helps you plan your storage budget effectively based on your data needs.

Estimating Request Units for Complex Queries and Joins

For complex queries involving multiple document reads or joins, input the query details and expected result set size to estimate the Request Units needed. This will guide you in optimizing your queries for efficient performance and cost-effectiveness.

Estimating Partitioned Collection Costs

Provide the partition key and usage pattern to estimate the Request Units and storage costs for a partitioned collection in Cosmos DB. This will help you understand the scalability and cost implications of partitioning your data based on access patterns.

Estimating Time to Live (TTL) Impact on Request Units

Input the Time to Live (TTL) value for your documents to estimate the impact on Request Units for data expiration and removal. This estimation will assist you in managing the RU consumption and optimizing your database performance based on data retention policies.

Estimating Request Units for Indexing Workload

Specify the indexing policy and expected indexing workload to estimate the Request Units required for indexing operations in Cosmos DB. This will help you balance indexing requirements with RU utilization for efficient query performance.

Estimating Request Units for Transactions and Batch Processing

Input the details of your transactional workload or batch operations to estimate the Request Units needed for processing multiple operations at once. This estimation will guide you in optimizing RU consumption for transactional consistency and performance.

Estimating Request Units for Change Feed Processing

Provide the details of your change feed processing requirements to estimate the Request Units for capturing and processing data changes in real-time. This estimation will assist you in planning the RU capacity for efficiently handling change notifications in your Cosmos DB database.
